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Monday, January 27, 2020

Impeach the accusers and try them for treason

No sane, honest person could possibly watch Pam Bondi deliver these arguments and these facts and still walk away thinking or claiming Trump did anything wrong by calling for Ukraine to investigate corruption and Burisma..

In fact, after hearing this argument, there'd be more reason to have tried to impeach Trump if he HADN'T called for Burisma and the Bidens to be investigated as it would have been a dereliction of his duties to ensure that the laws of the nation are upheld!

And this, btw, is precisely why the propaganda spewing, pedophile protecting, Trump bashing MSM has blocked the public from hearing what she has to say! Don't let them..  WATCH THIS, and then please, for the sake of truth and sanity being restored, SHARE!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Full disclosure ..must be made.

Find “Unacknowledged” on Netflix, Sirius, Amazon, etc watch it share it .. Dr Greer is very real and very mater of fact on full disclosure...

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Obama history.. and much more

Watch ..12-7-2014 Corbett Report Field McConnell Abel Danger .. you tube..