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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

the vote

Dems have been drumming up bs.. ever since the dnc stole Burnies nomination, Killary lost !! despite the compliant Media contribution through propaganda signed into Law by the Manchurian candidate Obumer     Dems have been drumming up bs.. ever since the dnc stole Burnies nomination, Killary lost !! despite the compliant Media contribution through propaganda signed into Law by the Manchurian candidate Obumer...Mind you this has been our legacy since the Death of Abraham Lincoln on...over  the attempt to End The was John F. Kennedy...The Fed runs the world...........Donald J. our last stand .. please do the research of my words before you let emotion rule ....that is there ploy ........ Dems have been drumming up bs.. ever since the DNC stole Burnies nomination, Killary lost !! despite the compliant Media contribution through propaganda signed into Law by the Manchurian candidate Obumer...Mind you this has been our legacy since the Death of Abraham Lincoln on...over the attempt to End The was John F. Kennedy...The Fed runs the world...........Donald J. our last stand .. please do the research of my words before you let emotion rule ....that is there ploy🧐