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Monday, August 18, 2014

About CPAK

About CPAKOne theme of CPAK is to look closely at the Great Year, and its mechanism that so fascinated the Ancients; the precession of the equinox. This task was begun by Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Deschend, in their book Hamlet’s Mill. This epic work documents hundreds of bits of myth and folklore from over thirty separate ancient cultures that all seem to tie the rise and fall of man and history to the procession (or rather precession – backward movement) of the equinox through the constellations of the zodiac. While these brilliant scholars died before deciphering the reasons for all this interest in precession, they did think it odd that so many cultures would be consumed with a motion that is hardly noticeable in the average lifespan today. They wondered if it had a great purpose.

gotta go !

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